Got That Winning Feeling?

May 6, 2011

2011 was an award-winning year for SKM and our clients, having won various industry awards for excellence in creative and marketing design and execution. Sweet!

We love the recognition, but most importantly, we appreciate our valued and loyal clients for giving us the opportunity to continue to earn their business.

We’ve been entered in some upcoming competitions and hope that 2012 is a victorious and happy year for all!

The awards were given in the following categories:

17th Annual Communicator Award of Excellence Winners

2011 Print Winner
Ford Motor Company
“Drive 2011”
PM6: Marketing/Promotion – Calendar

17th Annual Communicator Award of Excellence Winners

2011 Print Winner
Big Boy International
“Big Boy 2011 – 75th Anniversary”
PM25: Marketing/Promotion – Special Event

17th Annual Communicator Award of Distinction Winners

2011 Print Winner
Blue Care Network of Michigan
“Blue Care Year 2011”
PM9: Marketing/Promotion – Direct Mail

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